illustration 2  & painting


 〔People only see what they want to see〕


▶︎確証バイアス〔Confirmation Bias



From NFT Collection "The Dream that Android Sees Are"リティ前夜の時代〔In the Pre-Singularity era〕


 〔The 3 a.m. ambush contractor〕




From NFT Collection "The Dream that Android Sees Are"リティ前夜の時代〔In the Pre-Singularity era〕

■死後の世界 1




The place I woke up after I died turned out to be a surprisingly ordinaru room.



From NFT Collection "The Dream that Android Sees Are"リティ前夜の時代〔In the Pre-Singularity era〕  


 〔A skeleton that failed to become an angel.



From NFT Collection "The Dream that Android Sees Are"リティ前夜の時代〔In the Pre-Singularity era〕


 〔Wherever I am, I feel out of place.





From NFT Collection "The Dream that Android Sees Are"リティ前夜の時代〔In the Pre-Singularity era〕

■ハート・ブレイクの 0.3秒後

 〔0.3 seconds after Heartbreak.



 〔Lost identity


私はいったい何処から来て、これから何処へ行って、何をするつもりなのか? そしてそれに意味はあるのだろうか?

Where am I from, where am I going, what will I becom, and what do I intend to do? And does it all have any meaning?



From NFT Collection "The Dream that Android Sees Are"リティ前夜の時代〔In the Pre-Singularity era〕


 〔At the end of overthinking



At the end of overthinking, my head exploded.



From NFT Collection "The Dream that Android Sees Are"リティ前夜の時代〔In the Pre-Singularity era〕


 〔If it hurts my heart this much



At If it hurts my heart this much, I won't fall in love anymore.



From NFT Collection "The Dream that Android Sees Are"リティ前夜の時代〔In the Pre-Singularity era〕


 〔Why do you think he is a bad guys?



▶︎What is frightning is not him but rather "preconceptions" and "prejudice."



From NFT Collection "The Dream that Android Sees Are"リティ前夜の時代〔In the Pre-Singularity era〕





▶︎"Shadenfreude" is a German word that refers to the pleasure or joy one feels when witnessing or hearing about the misfortune or failure of others without personally involved.



By the way, I am selling it for 300,000yen. If any wealthy and kind person, who is struggling to find a use for their money, thinks they may want this painting, don't hesitate to get in touch with me!

■小説『鼻(Hana)』〔The Nose〕


▶︎This is an acrylic painting inspired by the masterpiece "The Nose" by my belovrd Ryunosuke Akutagawa.



By the way, I am selling it for 50,000yen. If any wealthy and kind person, who is struggling to find a use for their money, thinks they may want this painting, don't hesitate to get in touch with me!

■日本、大丈夫か?/Is Japan safe and sound?





Don't worry. 

Even without nukes, the warning statue of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva protect us!




▶︎It is not guaranteed to be understood accurately.



 It is a Japanese four-character idiom that means "mutual understanding through each other's hearts without using words or language."




▶︎It Are the things we see names, or are they actual entitles?

■Japanese High School Girl  01



One of Japan's subcultures, "KAWAII, MOE....(Cute)"

■Japanese High School Girl  02



One of Japan's subcultures, "KAWAII, MOE....(Cute)"

■Japanese High School Girl  03



One of Japan's subcultures, "KAWAII, MOE....(Cute)"

■Japanese High School Girl  04



One of Japan's subcultures, "KAWAII, MOE....(Cute)"



Even the Hannya wants to laugh at times.

■ Lingo Cosmos 004



The language was born out of "Cosmic Chaos."




A planet where only I don't exist





By the way, I am selling it for 250,000yen. If any wealthy and kind person, who is struggling to find a use for their money, thinks they may want this painting, don't hesitate to get in touch with me!


The Ball of the Clowns




By the way, I am selling it for 80,000yen. If any wealthy and kind person, who is struggling to find a use for their money, thinks they may want this painting, don't hesitate to get in touch with me!